Cute video captures affectionate bond between horses and children

Adorable video captures loving bond between horses and children
Adorable video captures loving bond between horses and children (Photo: Reproduction/Instagram)

The adorable video showcasing the beautiful bond of affection between horses and children is melting the hearts of internet users!

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The cute clip, shared on Instagram in early May, has already amassed over 44 thousand likes and hundreds of comments from internet users who were moved by the lovely friendship between the children and the horses.

“Amazing how gentle they are with kids around!” remarked an Instagram user. “Lucky kids to have them! So sweet,” commented another. “Brought tears to my eyes. Such a special relationship,” affirmed a third internet user.

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According to experts from the EquusVitalis website, very young children should be slowly introduced to horses to feel comfortable around them. Additionally, regardless of the child’s age, they should never be left near horses unsupervised, according to them.

This content was created with the assistance of AI.

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